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Your Natural Resource for
Environmental Solutions

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   TELEPHONE 781.251.0040
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FLI's experienced team of environmental professionals provides comprehensive building inspections, develops management plans,
drafts removal specifications and monitors asbestos abatement projects. 
We include on-site analysis when performing final clearance sampling on asbestos projects.  Our licensed asbestos professionals answer your questions and explain asbestos guidelines and regulations. FLI provides you with clear and concise reports.


FLI's team of licensed asbestos inspectors perform comprehensive asbestos inspections.  All FLI inspectors are state licensed and EPA-AHERA accredited technicians.

Our Licensed Asbestos Inspectors:

  • Identify and sample all materials which are suspected to contain asbestos
  • Conduct inspections to OSHA Standards
  • Perform comprehensive building inspections that detail the type, quantity and location of all materials determined to contain asbestos
  • Provide a comprehensive, detailed report which includes specific floor plans and sample results
  • Recommend the best plan of action for each material found to contain asbestos
  • Prepare any necessary abatement specifications for contractor bidding
  • Perform school inspections and 3-year reinspections according to EPA-AHERA regulations


FLI's team of licensed management planners develop detailed asbestos management plans for your building.

FLI asbestos management plans serve as a guideline for the building owner and provide the following information:

  • Identification and division of all asbestos containing materials into separate
    homogeneous areas
  • Hazard Assessment for each area
  • Proper response actions for each asbestos containing material
  • Required signs and labeling of areas containing asbestos
  • Emergency response procedures
  • Protocol for periodic surveillance
  • Training requirements for employees and outside contractors


FLI's licensed asbestos project monitors will be on-site during the entire
abatement process. 

Our Licensed Asbestos Project Monitors:

  • Ensure that all engineering controls are in place and comply with all local, state and
    federal regulations
  • Ensure that proper work practices are followed and all documentation is complete
  • Collect work-in-progress background samples to monitor fiber levels during abatement
  • Perform post-abatement visual inspections and final clearance air sampling
  • Provide a daily log of the project's progress
  • Prepare a final written report which includes the project's daily log, checklists and all sample results for the project


FLI's Licensed Asbestos Project Designers provide detailed specifications
for contractor bidding. 

Detailed specifications for contractor bidding include:

  • The type, quantity and location of asbestos containing materials included in the scope of work
  • The best abatement response for each material in accordance with local, state and federal regulations
  • Monitoring requirements and parameters for background air quality samples
  • Perform post-abatement visual inspections and final clearance air sampling
  • A list of contractor submittal requirements
  • Bidding documents including bid forms, alternates, insurance requirements and general conditions
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